Tuesday, December 19, 2017

All about why my family left me and how I handle it

             Hi everyone, so this blog isn't going to be as cheery as all the other ones. I am writing about why my family left while I was in a coma and in the hospital for 30+ days. In yesterdays blog I wrote about my family leaving me while I was in a coma. So as you know I have a few different chronic illnesses that dictate how I should live and what I should do with my life. When I suffered my TBI it added another burden to my family. They were already planning on leaving Australia at the time and so then this happened and they all just had to get the "hell outta dodge". Them leaving to a very large toll on my family. I was disappointed when I came home and hurt. I felt betrayed. I didn't know what to do. they had always been there when I needed someone. Now they are all in a different country. I didn't reach out to my family until recently. I was ready to get some answers. Over the years I got letters about where they lived and what their numbers were. They didn't try to reach out to me more then just to get me their numbers. I called them and talked to each of them. I told them that they broke my heart and that I didn't trust them anymore. I asked them why they left. this is what they said. After years of dealing with my chronic illnesses they had enough. It was putting to much strain on them. They had lives to. They figured that they would leave first and make amends later. I was mad. what kind of a person does that. certainly not family. But they did. My family left me and there was nothing I could do about it. I sold the house that I was living in with them and moved into a smaller wheelchair accessible house. I was done relying on them. I began doing everything on my own. I have a boyfriend who is really supportive of me. The only really disappointing thing about me doing things on my own is that when I need to go to the ER then I have to call an ambulance or have my boyfriend take me. My family isn't interested in moving back even now that I don't rely on them. that's all for now.
Best wishes

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